🌾千戶傳奇生態農場 Chienhu Cheanchi Ecological Fish Farm




Career Master is the TV show which introduces you to traditional Taiwanese foods in different regions of Taiwan. To be honest, it is one of my favorite shows I’ve watched while growing up. In this show, the host of Career Master, Huang Hsi Tien highly recommended this hidden surgeon restaurant in Sanxia district of Taipei. 

This restaurant has been operated based on sustainable DIY ethic of cultivating sturgeon fish and serving the sturgeon cuisine by themselves, which combine the wonderful experience of farm tourism with magnificent scenery around this restaurant. Not only will you get to have freshest sturgeon dishes on the spot, but also you can enjoy sightseeing and beautiful scenery. If you’re seafood gourmand, don’t miss out on this signature of sturgeon dishes right here. 




The toilet is next to parking area outside of restaurant. In the winter, it would be pretty cold out there in the rural Taipei, so I suggest you guys to use toilet first before you get in. Despite those are outdoor mobile toilets, the owner keeps them really clean and hygienic. 



🏡鱘龍魚餐廳 Sturgeon Restaurant 



The spacious restaurant is two-story building that can accommodate large number of people and this is proper dinning destination literally for whole family and large groups. To avoid crowded people who would throng the restaurant on the weekend, please make sure you go on weekdays and make a table reservation in advance. 

Sturgeon fishes are meaty with very firm flesh, containing rich source of collagen and superior nutritional value. Every part of sturgeon fish has different nutritional value, so they put fish cuts chart on the wall, which indicates that nutritional and health benefits of human body.




📋菜單 Menu


They offer the price of both a la carte and prix fixe from their menu. For the prix fixe meal, it’s literally for whole family or large groups like 2 to 10 people who can share the meals. We ordered NT$3000 prix fixe meal for 6 people. Plus, Sturgeon Sashimi and Pineapple Sturgeon balls are the meals we also ordered from a la carte menu. I think what we ordered, the portion size of meals could make us (6 persons) really full.




🍵七葉膽茶 Jiaogulan Tea


It’s typical for this restaurant to give Jiaogulan Tea free of charge for all the tables. You can take advantage of its health benefits to strengthen immune system, combat fatigue and improve heart function. It’s literally for people who have recurrent oral ulcer to just have one cup of this Jiaogulan tea which gives you immense energies and prevention from cancer and canker sore.



白飯 Rice


The prix fixe meal(6 people) we ordered that offers unlimited white rice blended with black rice. With blended black rice, it has good source of nutrient and anthocyanin contents which can enrich your blood and energy. This rice and Jiaogulan tea both fit well in a healthy diet.



時令蔬菜 Seasonal Vegetable 


Stir-fried cabbage has crunchy texture with sweet aftertaste. Manifest complex texture when you eat it along with sturgeon meat. Despite you may find it kind of greasy, along the way, drinking Jiaogulan tea is the best way to overpower greasy feeling.




五福鱘龍柳 Wu Fu Sturgeon Fish Fillets


It has tender texture with very firm flesh, adorned with variety of healthy vegetables, which make it look super healthy as a whole. 




水晶油雞 Crystal Oil Chicken 


The portion size of crystal oil chicken is sufficient for 6 people. Chicken meat tastes very juicy and chewy, and texture is light and fresh. My mouth filled with the tantalizing aroma upon I bite it. It’s absolutely an appetizing meal that you can eat it with some rice.




清蒸鱘龍魚 Steamed Sturgeon 


You can taste very high quality of fresh sturgeon meat through this dish which is low in fat. Not only are there no fishy and muddy smell, but also very delicate and light taste ! If you’re sea food gourmet, I feel that this is top notch cuisine you must order. 




香酥鮮魚Deep-fried Sturgeon 


This deep-fried sturgeon is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside. Complex textures really enliven the taste of this dish. 




鱘龍魚刺身 (單點)Sturgeon Sashimi $380( a la carte)


The sturgeon is super chewy in texture if you eat it raw(sashimi). I personally don’t like it, but it’s an absolutely unique culinary experience. 




客式鹹豬肉  Hakka Style Salted Pork Belly


Sometimes you might feel nauseous and greasy when you eat roasted pork belly, so applying a thin layer of white vinegar on roasted pork belly’s surface is the best way to eat and overpower the nauseous and greasy feeling. This is absolutely an appetizing dish that you can eat with rice as well.




旺來富貴鱘魚球(單點)Pineapple Sturgeon Meatballs $480(a la carte)


This restaurant creatively combines sturgeon cuisine with culinary concept of typical pineapple shrimp balls, which they create their own spectacular sturgeon dish. The meatballs are so tender on the inside and the complex flavors of sweet and sour taste on the outside literally melt-in-your-mouth.




黃金牛蒡鱘骨湯  Nourishing Burdock Sturgeon Fish Broth $480(a la carte)


This is super savory sturgeon fish broth made with sturgeon bones, which is filled with the complex flavors of goji berries’ sweetness and burdock‘s fragrance. The main feature about this broth is the fact that the longer they simmer, the softer bones will become. The bones taste like jelly in texture. In fact, this is the one I’ve had has made me feel nourished. If you love the strong flavor of burdock, you never miss out on this must-try dish.





Don’t rush to leave the restaurant after you finish all the dishes. They also sell a variety of frozen foods in their cabinet as well as Jiaogulan Tea souvenir on the shelf which are opposite checkout counter. All the frozen sturgeon foods are certified by food traceability system and safe to buy.




📍千戶傳奇生態農場-鱘龍魚養殖場(原山中傳奇)Chienhu Cheanchi Ecological Fish Farm








Open hoursTues- Fri 11:30am-7:00pm, Sat-Sun 11:00am-7:00pm

📍 Location addressNo. 154-3, Youmu, Sanxia Dist., New Taipei City 237115, Taiwan

📞 For group booking, please call (02) 2672 0748


📖FB pagehttps://www.facebook.com/fishfarm.tw


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⭐️ Sturgeon 


例句👉 A sturgeon feast now can be enjoyed at Chienhu Cheanchi Ecological Fish Farm in Xi Sanxia district of New Taipei City.



⭐️ Miss out on


例句👉 Don’t miss out on Din Tai Fung’s Xiao Long Bao right here in Taiwan. 



⭐️ Gourmand 


例句👉 Michelin has published their Michelin guide to Taipei that there are 111 Michelin restaurants across Taiwan that every gourmand will love it.




Gourmet gourmand 常常會被搞混,差別在於Gourmet也有「饕客」和「美食家」的意思,但Gourmet比較喜歡細心品嚐「高檔的美食」或有「水準的餐廳」,而gourmand就比較偏向食量很大又貪吃美食的人。



⭐️ Foodie 


例句👉Young foodies enjoy trying new dishes in lots of different restaurants. 




⭐️ Portion 


例句👉 The portion size should increase gradually as children get older.




⭐️ A la carte

是由法文à la carte延伸成的英文單字,即為「單點」的意思。

例句👉This restaurant offers abundant variety of a la carte dishes and course meals.



⭐️ Prix fixe 


例句👉This restaurant adds something special to the dining experience from their prix fixe menu. All the customers feel like they’re being catered to the meal specifically curated by the chef.



⭐️ Weekday

Week + end即為週末的意思,而反向思考Week + day 即為「平日」的意思,這樣是不是好記很多呢?

例句👉If you want to go to Universal Studio, I suggest that you better go on weekdays that are less crowded than weekends. 



⭐️ Throng 

最近新冠肺炎議題延燒,這個字是及物動詞用於形容「人潮蜂擁而去.... 地點」,即為「群集」的意思。

例句👉During the lantern festival, a large number of people will throng the venue every day. It is such a high risk of cluster COVID-19 infection.  



⭐️ Canker sore

即為火氣而造成「嘴巴破洞」的意思,但英文裡面沒有字是用來形容火氣大,而通常都會用canker sore來表達最近火氣大。

例句👉 I got recurrent canker sores. My doctor suggested that I should avoid eating very spicy, salty, or acidic foods. 



⭐️ Collagen 


例句👉Collagen will be a game changer in your skin care routine. Through a collagen rich diet you'll improve your skin's appearance from the inside and outside.   











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